Inovasi Pembinaan dan Pengawasan dalam Pencapaian Urusan Wajib Pelayanan Dasar


Basic services are public services to meet the basic needs of citizens. In the context of services, especially basic services, Minimum Service Standards (SPM) contain parameters that must be guided by local governments, services provided to the community must be in terms of quantity, type and quality. SPM in regional government affairs asks questions to answer important things in the administration of regional government, especially in the provision of basic services that lead to the creation of people's welfare. The Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at the central and regional levels has the authority to carry out supervision of regional government, thus the role of the Central APIP and the Regional APIP plays a role in the implementation of SPM.
This study aims to determine the guidance and supervision as the objectives that must be carried out by APIP so that the services that every citizen wants to achieve can be achieved.


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